
Il Dipartimento della Difesa statunitense ha assegnato alla controllata americana di , , il contratto per la costruzione della quarta fregata della classe “Constellation”, che ha un valore di circa 526 milioni di dollari, destinata alla .

Il contratto per la prima fregata e l'opzione per 9 ulteriori navi, siglato nel 2020, ha un valore complessivo di circa 5,5 miliardi di dollari e comprende il supporto postvendita e l'addestramento degli equipaggi.

In questa prestigiosissima gara Fincantieri è riuscita a imporsi sui competitor statunitensi grazie a un progetto giudicato come il più avanzato e innovativo. La proposta del Gruppo, infatti, è basata sulla piattaforma delle fregate FREMM, ritenuta la migliore al mondo sotto il profilo tecnologico, su cui si fonda un programma di dieci unità per la Italiana.

La costruzione della prima fregata è iniziata alla fine di agosto dello scorso anno a Marinette, Wisconsin, e FMM consegnerà la nave, la futura USS Constellation, .

Pierroberto Folgiero, Amministratore delegato di Fincantieri, ha commentato: “Il nostro impegno è di supportare la più grande Marina al mondo con una nave che rappresenti il massimo grado possibile di innovazione. Guardiamo in particolar modo al profilo digitale delle unità, in termini di cybersecurity e data analytics, due fronti fondamentali per la competizione industriale del futuro”.

FMM rappresenta la punta di diamante di Fincantieri Marine Group (FMG), che controlla altri due siti sempre nella regione dei Grandi Laghi (Wisconsin) – Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding e Fincantieri Ace Marine – e annovera clienti commerciali e governativi. FMM è impegnata anche nei programmi Littoral Combat Ships, sempre per la US Navy, e Multi-Mission Surface Combatants (MMSC), per il regno dell'Arabia Saudita nell'ambito del piano Foreign Military Sales degli Stati Uniti.



announced that subsidiary, Marinette Marine (FMM), was awarded a 526 million dollars contract to build a fourth Constellation-class frigate for the US Navy.
The contract for the lead frigate and 9 option ships, signed in 2020, has a cumulative value of 5.5 billion dollars, including post-delivery availability support and crew training.

Fincantieri succeeded in such a high-profile tender, distinguishing itself among several major U.S. shipyards thanks to a project considered as the most innovative and cutting-edge. The Group's proposal is based on the FREMM frigate platform, globally recognized as the most technologically advanced, and the backbone of a 10-unit program for the Italian Navy which Fincantieri is currently completing.
Construction on the first frigate, the future USS Constellation, began in late August last year in Marinette, Wis., and FMM is scheduled to deliver it in 2026.

Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO of Fincantieri, stated: “Our commitment is to support the largest Navy in the world with a ship that represents the highest possible degree of innovation. We look specifically at the digital profile of the vessels, in terms of cybersecurity and data analytics, two fundamental fronts for the industrial competition of the future”.

FMM is the spearhead of Fincantieri Marine Group (FMG), which controls two other shipyards also located in the Great Lakes (Wisconsin) – Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding and Fincantieri Ace Marine. The company serves commercial and government customers in the US. FMM is committed to the Littoral Combat Ships program for the US Navy and the Multi-Mission Surface Combatants (MMSC) program for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as part of the US Foreign Military Sales plan.

Fincantieri is one of the world's largest shipbuilding groups, the only one active in all high-tech marine industry sectors. It is leader in the construction and transformation of cruise, naval and oil & gas and wind offshore vessels, as well as in the production of systems and component equipment, after-sales services and marine interiors solutions. Thanks to the expertise developed in the management of complex projects, the Group boasts first-class references in infrastructures, and is a reference player in digital technologies and cybersecurity, electronics and advanced systems.

With over 230 years of history and more than 7,000 ships built, Fincantieri maintains its know-how, expertise and management centres in Italy, here employing 10,000 workers and creating around 90,000 jobs, which double worldwide thanks to a production network of 18 shipyards operating in four continents and with almost 21,000 employees.