Innovazione e transizione ecologica, a Bruxelles la settima edizione di Shipping 4.0

Shipping 4.0

Evento in programma giovedì 13 aprile presso la sede del

Bruxelles. Innovazione, tecnologia, digitalizzazione, logistica, transizione ecologica. Tutti temi/studio al centro della Settima edizione di ‘'. Il forum in programma a Bruxelles domani, giovedì 13 aprile, presso la sede del Parlamento Europeo. E' possibile iscriversi partecipando attraverso il collegamento in streaming al seguente link.

Una delle tendenze più significative nel futuro del settore dei trasporti marittimi, spiegano gli organizzatori di Shipping 4.0, è il passaggio alla sostenibilità e all'ecocompatibilità. È probabile che questo spostamento verso la sostenibilità continui, con le Compagnie di navigazione che investono pesantemente in fonti di energia rinnovabile, come l'energia eolica e solare, ed esplorano nuove alternative di carburante, come l'idrogeno e i biocarburanti. Un'altra tendenza che probabilmente plasmerà il futuro del settore dei trasporti marittimi è l'uso delle tecnologie digitali. Dalle navi e dai droni autonomi ai sistemi di gestione della catena di approvvigionamento basati su blockchain, le tecnologie digitali sono destinate a trasformare il modo in cui le merci vengono trasportate e tracciate.

We will focus on:

Ports and circular economy potential
With the growing emphasis on sustainability and circular economy practices, ports in Europe are being viewed as critical players in driving this transformation. 
As key gateways for trade and commerce, ports have the potential to become hubs for the collection, sorting, and redistribution of waste materials, promoting a closed-loop system that maximizes the use of resources and minimizes waste. 

Round table 1 will explore the potential of ports in Europe to play a central role in the circular economy, highlighting the opportunities and challenges involved.
The importance of airport hubs and air cargos

In the European context, airport hubs and air cargo play a crucial role in facilitating international trade and commerce. 

With the rise of global supply chains, the efficient movement of goods and services across borders has become more important than ever before. 
Airport hubs, which serve as key transfer points for passengers and cargo, are essential to this process. Similarly, air cargo services enable fast and reliable delivery of goods, including perishable and time-sensitive items. 

Round table 2 will explore the importance of airport hubs and air cargo in the European context, examining their economic and logistical significance, as well as the challenges they face in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.

Alternative solutions for environmental impact
As concerns about climate change and environmental impact continue to grow, the need for alternative solutions to traditional logistic systems has become increasingly urgent. 
In Europe, railways and energy generation through logistic systems are emerging as potential solutions with significant environmental benefits. 

Railways offer a low-carbon alternative to road transport, with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts. Similarly, energy generation through logistic systems can help to reduce carbon emissions by using renewable sources to power transportation and logistics operations. 
Round table 3 will explore the potential of these alternative solutions in the European context, highlighting their benefits and the challenges that must be addressed to ensure their successful implementation.

Digitalization as an effective mean to achieve
The push towards sustainability and green initiatives has created a need for innovative solutions to address logistical challenges in Europe. 

Digitization has emerged as a key tool in achieving the goals of the European Green Deal, Fit for 55% Package, and Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy targets within the logistics industry. 
By integrating digital technologies into logistics operations, companies can streamline processes, optimize routes, and reduce energy consumption, all while lowering costs and improving overall efficiency. 
Round table 4 will explore the potential of digitization as a means to achieve these targets, highlighting the benefits and challenges associated with this transformation.

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