DHL Global Forwarding: The Future of Logistics Masterclass – 24 novembre 2020

Global Forwarding ha il piacere di invitarti alla Masterclass sul Future of Logistics che si terrà online il prossimo 24 novembre.

Nel prossimo decennio la , così come la conosciamo, si trasformerà radicalmente. La crescente necessità di una maggiore visibilità, l'arrivo del 5G e il miglioramento delle capacità di data analytics: i trend stanno evolvendo molto rapidamente. I professionisti della logistica lo sanno bene, e stanno già tracciando un nuovo percorso. Sono necessari cambiamenti forti e coraggiosi per promuovere la supply chain del futuro.

Over the next decade, logistics as we know it will transform dramatically. With the increasing need for greater visibility, the arrival of 5G and improved data analytics capabilities: there are no shortages of opportunities to harness the power of game-changing trends. Successful logistics and supply chain professionals know this, and are already charting a new path through a world of unknowns, while recognizing more can be done yet.

Bold changes are needed to advance the future-proof supply chain. The new DHL Future of Logistics Masterclass will provide a multi-faceted and uniquely interactive virtual experience designed to take you further faster. Join us!


Register now to secure your spot and prepare for takeoff in this transformative decade.

On Tuesday 24 November, we'll be broadcasting live from our state-of-the-art Innovation Centers.

For a better web experience please use Google Chrome or Firefox browser. This virtual event is taking place over two time-zone-optimized sessions:

OPTION 1 – 24 November – 9:00 – 12:00 CET | 16:00 – 1900 GMT +8 (Asia-Pacific & Europe)

OPTION 2 – 24 November -16:00 – 19:45 CET | 09:00 – 12:45 CDT (Europe & Americas)


Join us to implement practical insights from the latest edition of the DHL Logistics Trend Radar. You won't want to miss our stellar lineup of industry thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, roboticists, startups, and partners – our open innovation ecosystem – exploring the most thought-provoking topics and trends in logistics! NASA, MIT, Salesforce, CISCO, Honeywell, D'Orbit, Fairfleet to name-drop a few!