Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour 2024: The Cassiodoro Stage in Catanzaro Closes

Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour 7

Catanzaro – The Cassiodoro Stage ended in Catanzaro with the victory of the 09 DEAS team, followed by the 02 team of the Air Force and the 03 team of the Guardia di Finanza.

The WASZP category also closes where the victory went to the 01 team of the Navy, in second place the 03 team of the Guardia di Finanza followed by the 06 Royal Ocean Racing Club 2 team which won third position.

However, everything was postponed to the next stage for the WINGFOIL category which, due to adverse weather conditions, was unable to carry out the scheduled race programme.

It was a truly demanding stage characterized by challenging and at times prohibitive weather conditions. However, the bad weather did not stop the large public who crowded the regatta village and attended the events organized in collaboration with the municipality of Catanzaro to signify the effective synergy between the Nastro Rosa Tour and the territory.

Starting from Gaeta, the Figaro 3 raced for two days, crossing the wonderful lighthouses of Capo Salina and Punta Stilo. They are part of the twelve fascinating properties included in the Valore Paese Italia – Fari project, the plan to enhance public real estate assets promoted by Difesa Servizi S.p.A. and State Property Agency. The creation of tourist-accommodation facilities near the lighthouses (which maintain their institutional function of maritime signaling) has made it possible to enhance structures of great charm, located in particularly evocative contexts, which have become points of reference, not only for the boats that detect them from sea, but also for users who can experience an experiential holiday with unique characteristics. The economic management of the lighthouses has allowed the recovery of important architectural testimonies, typical garrisons of coastal places, whose history is often peculiar and represents an important driving force for the economic growth of the territories.

Truly a new life for these evocative places, once the heritage of a few but finally a collective heritage.

Tomorrow, the Figaro 3 will cast off their moorings and head towards Durres for what promises to be a truly fascinating stage of the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour 2024, the Eagles’ Stage.

Text Credits: Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour
Photo Credits: ICARUS Sports
Video Credits: ICARUS Sports