Tough & Tempestuous Golden Day in the SSL Gold Cup 1/4 Finals

SSL Gold Cup 14 Finals

Sailing has its own World Cup, finally! Like football in 1930 and rugby in 1987, the SSL Gold Cup is designed to crown the best sailing nation of all! The World Top 56 countries, selected on their SSL Nation ranking, will battle their way through to raise the coveted and only Sailing World Cup trophy.

The 1/4 Finals started in a calm manner, but came to a crescendo early on Thursday in Gran Canaria.

The golden double points finale started in the highest, gustiest and shiftiest winds seen so far in the SSL Gold Cup, but settled into a more stable rhythm soon after.

In the evening at the 1/4 Finals Closing Ceremony, Regatta Director Paul Hutton-Ashkenny summed up the feeling of everyone by saying that each round we have incredible drama, only to be surprised when the next round surpasses it. We can only imagine what the semifinals will bring on Saturday.

Full Report for the 4th day of the 1/4 Finals: Tough & Tempestuous Golden Day in the SSL Gold Cup 1/4 Finals (

Find Full Results here – Results – SSL Gold Cup (

Join us, tomorrow, Saturday 2nd December at 12 pm GMT local time for the 1st day of the 1/2 Finals of the SSL Gold Cup Finals series, the football world cup of sailing!

Text & Photo Credtis: SSL Gold Cup & Martina Orsini
Please find the daily Youtube & RTMP links below:

Youtube: LIVE – DAY 1 – 1/2 FINALS

SSL Gold Cup 14 Finals