SSL Gold Cup - 14 Finals, Day 3

Sailing has its own World Cup, finally! Like football in 1930 and rugby in 1987, the SSL Gold Cup is designed to crown the best sailing nation of all! The World Top 56 countries, selected on their SSL Nation ranking, will battle their way through to raise the coveted and only Sailing World Cup trophy.

Light winds bring emotions to the fore on yachts. Situations can change in an instant, and the whole scenario can be understood just from looking at a sailor's face.

Anyone who has sailed in very light winds can relate to the frustration of hitting a wave, or when your wind is taken by an opponent.

On Tuesday in Gran Canaria the expressions on the sailors' faces said it all after a very delayed start as a feeble breeze briefly awakened from its slumber.

Sadly no more racing was possible in the day, with what little breeze there was disappearing as the sun sank towards the horizon, so Fleets 2 and 3 remain on just one race complete. Will we have a windy Wednesday? Probably not, but a bit more than today would be nice.

Full Report for the 2nd day of the 1/4 Finals: PAINED EXPRESSIONS ON DAY 2 OF THE SSL GOLD CUP 1/4 FINALS IN GRAN CANARIA – SSL Gold Cup (

Find Full Results here – Results – SSL Gold Cup (

Join us, today, Wednesday 29th November at 10.30am local time for the 3rd day of the 1/4 Finals of the SSL Gold Cup Finals series, the football world cup of sailing!

Text & Photo Credtis: SSL Gold Cup & Martina Orsini
Please find the daily Youtube & RTMP links below:

Youtube: LIVE – – 1/4 FINALS

SSL Gold Cup - 14 Finals, Day 3