In La Maddalena, in the same day, on the Water Wingfoil, WASZP and the Beneteau Figaro 3

Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour4

La Maddalena (Sassari) – It is in the waters of La Maddalena that the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour got to the heart of the 2023 edition: in Sardinia, where during the first two days the taut mistral wind prevented the WASZP of racing, the closing was in grand style with all three classes engaged in unison.

While the WASZP, which went out early in the morning, archived the first results, taking advantage of the residual gusts of the Mistral, the Wingfoils faced each other for the third consecutive day on the same race course and the Benetau Figaro 3s set sail for Naples, home of the third fraction of this event organized by Difesa Servizi S.p.A. and SSI Events, in collaboration with the Marina Militare. Kudos to PRO Valentina Bravi and her staff, made up of Regatta Officers Enzo Aru and Roberto Melis and volunteers from the Italian Naval League, La Maddalena section.

“After the strong winds of the first few days, we were hoping for a lessening of the breeze to complete the daily programme: today we can say that we have succeeded, completing four trials for the Wingfoils and three for the WASZPs. Without forgetting the start of the second offshore stage. Of more couldn’t have been done” commented Valentina Bravi.

The first miles of the offshore fleet were spectacular, compact exit from the starting line and engaged in battle under gennaker between Isolotto Roma, Palau, Capo d’Orso, Baia Sardinia, Isola dei Cappuccini and Capo Ferro.

Meanwhile, the last official act of this stage was the awarding of the fraction that brought the ten Beneteau Figaro 3s from Genoa to La Maddalena and won by the Città di Taranto team (Carlo Campetella and Matteo Marzotto). Held in the heart of the Regate Village, the ceremony was made unique by the presence of the Undersecretary of Defence, Senator Isabella Rauti.

“Last July 1 – on the occasion of the departure from the port of Genoa of the Nave Vespucci World Tour – I witnessed the start of the Navy Nastro RosaTour. It was a great emotion and today it is an honor to reward the crews of this first stage in La Maddalena”, Rauti said in his greeting address, “Promoting with the eternal fascination of sailing, not only the Marina Militare but also tourism , Italian culture, the beauties of the places where it will stop and local identities: this is the spirit of this wonderful initiative”.

For Rauti “… the Navy Nastro Rosa Tour is not just a sailing competition and a sporting challenge but also a cultural and tourist journey through the landscapes, territory and coasts of a fantastic country like Italy. A party for everyone that brings the very young to the world of sailing and its educational values. A way to live and love the sea and our wonderful coasts in an authentic and complete way”.

“Thanks to our Navy and Difesa Servizi S.p.A. for the hard work and commitment in organizing this sailing competition in stages which is the longest and most important in Italy”, said Rauti.

The ceremony was also attended by the Mayor of La Maddalena Fabio Lai, for the Region of Sardinia the lawyer Quirico Sanna representing the President Christian Solinas, the Commander of the Navy Schools Admiral Antonio Natale, the Commander of the NCO School of La Maddalena CV Simone Battisti, the CEO of Difesa Servizi Luca Andreoli and the CEO of SSI Riccardo Simoneschi.

Text Credits: Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour
Photo Credits: Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour
Video Credits: ICARUS Sports