GC32 Lagos Cup 2023 – Race Day 2

GC32 Lagos Cup 2023

After first day's five-race 20-knot opener, the second day of the 2023 GC32 Lagos Cup saw conditions that were too light for the GC32 Racing Tour Race Committee to run any races.

GC32 Racing Tour Manager Christian Scherrer explained, “We stayed ashore for quite some time and headed out around 15:00 – which was about the right time as we had good breeze – even foiling conditions – but not enough to last a whole race. We thought we may get some south-westerly breeze, especially later in the day, but it just didn't happen.”

Scherrer continued, “It's tricky here right now, this south-easterly coming through the Strait of Gibraltar is pushing against the northwest and we're the buffer in the middle.”

Today, conditions are set to improve with racing expected to resume for day three of the GC32 Lagos Cup.

Text Credits: GC32 Racing Tour
Photo Credits: GC32 Racing Tour / Tó Mané
Video Credits: ICARUS Sports