2023 Dragon World Championship: Second day of racing

2023 Dragon World Championship

BODRUM– On the 2nd day of racing the fleet got away on time (12.05) with just one boat OCS (POR 90) they were called back and they quickly re-started.

Unfortunately, due to a 50-degree wind shift, the race had to be abandoned.

However, the wind was kind and Race 3 started again at 14.00hrs. Just TUR 53 was over the line but returned to start correctly.

Although GBR 192 Bluebottle helmed by Graham Bailey led at the top mark and at the bottom Gate, it was SUI 318 Wolf Waschkuhn who chose the better side of the course on the second upwind who took the lead and held it to the finish.

Just behind Wolf was TUR 12 Andy Beadsworth and AUS 222 Richard Lynn was 3rd. This victory gives Wolf and his team the overall lead after 3 races.

Due to the wind dying the Race Committee decided to send the fleet back to the Marina. We all hope for two races today (Wednesday) or maybe even three if conditions allow.


2023 Dragon World Championship

Text Credits: Dragon World Championship Turkey
Photo Credits: Dragon World Championship Turkey
Video Credits: ICARUS Sports

2023 Dragon World Championship