Crew need help: la lettera dell’Apostolato del mare

Di seguito riportiamo in maniera integrale il testo della lettera dell'Apostolato del mare consegnata al comandante Nicolas Lygizos, in occasione della visita di questa mattina del sindaco Mimmo Consales e del nostro direttore scientifico .

Port of Brindisi, 03 december 2012- to Captain of M/s “Ionian Spirit”, remain docked at port from 29 september 2012

We are here today to know you and know your difficulties;
we are not interested in the legal problems that an owner pushes his ship to remain docked at a port without a clear departure.
Work, and working without interest; but to promote an atmosphere of respect for your people and for your work.
“Crew need help from Ionian Spirit”.
Every case of maritime left, away from home
and without the means to return,
it is an individual story of great difficulty
and the true extent of the problem is difficult to solve.
The International Christian Maritime Association, ICMA, according to the Apostleship of the Sea –AoS- is sensitive to your problems;
provide primary care services and respond to the spiritual and material needs of – welfare of the sea -.
We are here to know what you need and what we can do for your health;
We believe that the presence of our port chaplain of Brindisi, Don Joseph Dello Tore, is testimony to a multiconfessionality, since we know that no religion can replace another.
We know what it means to be away from family, so that we can offer, from tools for personal hygiene, medications, and more, we are pleased to give.


Prof Abele Carruezzo
( Capitani di L.C. e D. M. unitamente all'Apostolato del Mare Brindisi)